In Thai massage, you wear loose-fitting clothing (often provided by the massage therapist) and start by lying on a mat. Traditional Thai massage is a different experience if you’ve only ever had a Swedish or deep tissue massage. Cancer patients may experience reduced pain, increased relaxation, and improved mood. The proper deep tissue massage may also benefit preterm infant health. Chronic low back pain, chronic neck pain, and osteoarthritis of the knee.The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health cites the following as health conditions for which that deep tissue massage can provide relief:
Deep tissue and other types of massage are frequently used for relieving stress, managing pain, breaking down scar tissue, relieving muscle tension and improving health. Deep tissue massage has been proved to reduce high blood pressure and a range of other ailments. For its ability to stimulate those deeper muscles, deep tissue massage is commonly used during recuperation from sports-related and other injuries, according to the Mayo Clinic. The massage technique targets deeper layers of muscle and your connective tissue. Deep tissue massage not only feels fabulous, it can provide results.